Reichmuth Infrastructure und PCS Holding erwerben bedeutende Beteiligung an Wagenvermietungsgesellschaft Railrelease

Reichmuth Infrastructure und PCS Holding haben über ihr Investmentvehikel Cargo Roll Holding AG eine 49%ige Beteiligung an Railrelease erworben. Mit dem Einstieg von Cargo Roll bei Railrelease soll die Position als Wagennvermieter gestärkt und das Güterwagenportfolio erweitert werden.

Komplette Medienmitteilung von Railrelease in englischer Sprache:
Reichmuth Infrastructure and PCS Holding acquired a 49% stake in Railrelease through their investment vehicle Cargo Roll Holding AG. With Cargo Roll joining Railrelease, the aim is to strengthen its position as railcar leasing company and expand the freight wagon portfolio.

«I am delighted to start this partnership with Reichmuth and PCS Holding», says Julian Remie, CEO of Railrelease.

«Both parties are very experienced in the railway business and have a strong focus on long-term and sustainable investments in railway. We all share entrepreneurship and innovation. This in combination with our joint know-how makes me feel confident that we can realize our future growth ambitions.»

With the step into Railrelease, Reichmuth & Co Investment Management sees the opportunity to develop freight car leasing and grow their footprint in the railway industry.

«The company has a wide experience and proven track record in the market», says CEO Stefan Hasenböhler. According to Oliver Streuli, CEO of PCS Holding, the joint investment underpins PCS Holding’s holistic approach with regards to the rail and mobility market and further deepens the successful entrepreneurial partnership between Reichmuth and PCS Holding.

«We are convinced that rail freight transportation will play an increasingly important role when it comes to innovative and green logistic solutions in the future.»

About Railrelease

Railrelease has a long track record as a freight wagon rental company and is part of the Rail Innovators Group, which is headquartered in the Netherlands. This is a private holding company, taking a leading role in various segments of the railway industry. Its companies Railrelease, Raillogix and Rail Force One are well established in leasing out freight wagons, railway logistics and performing traction services. The group is active in Europe through its subsidiaries in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.

About Reichmuth Infrastructure

Reichmuth Infrastructure is part of private banking group Reichmuth & Co and a specialized asset manager in the realm of private infrastructure. Reichmuth manages EUR 1 billion in infrastructure assets across its two diversified investment funds and segregated mandates. Today, Reichmuth offers institutional investors access to stable infrastructure investments in the transport, energy and waste management sectors. Reichmuth takes an active role in delivering long-term value by investing responsibly and forging strategic partnerships with established industrial companies. Its mission is making infrastructure in Europe more sustainable and resilient.

About PCS Holding

PCS Holding is a Swiss investment company owned by entrepreneur Peter Spuhler. It acts as an anchor shareholder in several industrial companies such as Stadler Rail, Aebi Schmidt Group, Rieter, Autoneum, European Loc Pool and Traktionssysteme Austria. PCS Holding is a committed and long-term oriented shareholder, which actively supports the establishment and development of its portfolio companies.


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